Australian Dental Council

The written examination is the second stage of the ADC assessment process.  Candidates must hold a complete and valid initial assessment to be eligible to sit the written examination.

The written examination is a multiple-choice question examination held over two consecutive days. It is held twice per year, usually in March and September. So ADC exam prep is very important.

The ADC exam preparation includes preparing for questions that are in a scenario-based format. This means a scenario is provided to you that is relevant to dental practise in Australia, and you are asked to answer several multiple-choice questions based on the information provided in the scenario.

The assessment format is designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate you ‘know how’ to practice dentistry in Australia by assessing your:

  • knowledge of the science and practice of dentistry, and

  • clinical judgement and reasoning skills relevant to dental practice in Australia.

As a part of ADC written examination preparation, you should carefully read the Written examination handbook for general dentistry for a comprehensive description of the format and requirements of the written examination.
